Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Flavio's Home

Close Reading

1. Gordon Parks expresses in his article "Flavio's Home" that he holds a personal grudge against poverty.

2. Flavio's family is pretty much every other family around the world, with the simple fact that they have no money being the only distinguishing factor. Flavio has so much responsibility due to the fact he is the oldest.

3. Some distinctive characteristics of flavio's neighborhood is that they live atop a mountain that was surrounded by garbage and waste. Flavio's home was basically a few planks and a tin roof. 

4. Flavio feared giving Parks and Gallo food in case his father might have gotten angry due to the small amount they already had on hand.The two understood that the family had to make the food last for a while.

5. Barrios are basically an area with the majority of the population speaking spanish decent. Now a days however it's a word to degrade an area by racists and people who cling to a criminal-like lifestyle. Jacaranda is a plant. Jaundiced is a disease that turns your skin yellow and spigot is refereed to as something that helps stop or control the flow of water.

Writers Craft

1. Parks expresses a sympathetic and unfortanate impression of Flavio. He does this by explaining his daily activitites, his family lifestyle, and his health conditions.

3. Parks uses colorful, discriptive words to describe mundane items and compares certain aspects to what the reader would be accustomed to viewing in their own life. This helps the reader adjust from one horrible aspect to another.

4. The effect of the hotel scenario was to make people feel sympathetic to those who are less fortunate, and to feel remorse  the need to help. It contributes an understanding for the reader to see what they have in their own life and compare it to Flavio.

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