Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fear and Failure

I think the thesis statement to this essay is that fear and failure can be a positive teaching tool, whether economic or academic. The reason I feel this is the thesis is because although the writer focus's mainly on school issues, she also refers to how it effects them after schooling is over. It's a lesson that's still used by employers when they threaten to fire people, laws that threaten to lock people up, and even the rules that govern our society.

Unfortunately, I would have to disagree with this. I feel personally that threats don't provide a proper motivational way of thinking. It has been fear that has led us to wars, hatred, and violence. Fear has separated man and by condoning such a philosophy we are not better than those who burned witches at the stake for "fear" of the unknown. Reverting back to the original topic, fear of failure has caused us to create the infamous AIMS test that has become a problematic situation with school as we find that the students haven't learned a thing until it's to late. We can not dictate what others do or say, we can only motivate, and to motivate with fear is no better than holding a gun to someones head and telling them to fill the bag with the cash from the drawer. 

Instead we need to realize not everyone will make it in this world. Some people are perfectly content being wastes of space. It's not the drugs, it's not the family's upbringing, it's a personal choice. I've seen many on a road to no good who suddenly figure out that they'd like more in life, with no form of motivation at all. It all boils down to personal choices of the person, and not what threatens them.

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