I have often found myself living in an everlasting halloween. While I roam the streets, I see vampires preying on defenseless people without a care. We unknowingly play host to these parasites as they suck out every emotion from our bodies and drain us of everything from our joy, to our depression. They leave us an exhausted empty shell and run off to their next victim who will more than likely play their next host.
The first time I had encountered one of these vampires, to the best of my memory, was when I was four. I was playing in my room as a child and in walked the undead version of my brother. Without care, he disrupted the happiness I had been experiencing and replaced it with exhaustion as we battled out who's toy was who's and then eventually which side of the room was owned by whom. After several moments, the vampire I'd call brother would sing out for his master to come. Sure enough, my mother entered the room and would lay down boundaries and rules. This caused my exhaustion to become a comatose state of an "I give up!" feeling.
Home was not the only place these vampires we're found. As I ventured into society and schools, I found I had to battle a battalion of emotion sucking creatures. With my bad attitude and solitude way of nature, I would ward these demons off so that I wasn't burdened with problems that were not my own. My Anti-social behavior had soon started to devolop at a young age and by the time I reached high school, it was now a massive missile ready to defend when the army of the undead would come around. I had survived teachers who would play favorites, fellow students who would attack so they would gain popularity, and even a principal who considered me more of a slayer of his faculty than a student with high expectations.
After I left the campus's that harbored the living dead, I ventured into the world. I obtained a job at the local Jack in the Box, where my weapon of social anxiety would have to be disarmed, and I would have to blend in with these creatures. The drive-thru was packed full of them, life draining vampires in operational vehicles. It was as if they're numbers had been increasing daily. Each time I would deliver an order, another one would pull up to the window with a complaint about something. My co-workers were no better, constantly putting their problems on public display like an audio tabloid.
Throughout my years of experience after my first encounter way back when, I have tried not to be like these undead beings. I handle my problems on my own and observe the world for guidance and advice, rather than drain my fellow humans for the strength to accomplish this. I try not to share to much of my negativity as I don't want others to feel burdened by my personal issues. I chose not to discuss certain matters with certain people so that I do not drain them of their own aura or energy. Also, I've come to the conclusion that although my energy is being sucked away, it's society who swallows.